Deactivate Hulu Account? Fix It

                   How To Deactivate Hulu Account | Delete Hulu Account | Deactivate Hulu Account


How To Delete Hulu Account:– Hulu is an On-Demand videocassette service that lets its registered customers to observe TV shows and hollywood movies.


Likewise, the website lets its customers create and edit account information. Also, it allows you to upload images, watch TV episodes and movies, subscribe to the website, give mention and review related to the show, add videos to playlist.


For now, our website users flood our mailbox with requests on how to deactivate their accounts from Hulu website. After some study on this topic, we found that a few users are not with the website/app anymore. This, among other reasons, is why they want to deactivate their accounts.


Though, if your basis for deleting this account is email spamming, then you don’t have to concern. We recommend that you mark the mail as spam when you open it. On the other hand, you can unsubscribe from their newsletters. To unsubscribe from their newsletters, Now tap on the unsubscribe button given at the bottom of the mail you received. Nevertheless, if your motive for deleting your account is otherwise, here is a step-by-step technique on how to close your account from the website.



                                                                                                How to Deactivate Hulu Account


As per the source now, there are two methods to delete your account from Hulu Database which is known below:-



                                                                                                Delete Your Account through Website



Go to the following website “” and sign in to your Hulu account.

After sign-in to your account locate the sector PERSONAL INFORMATION and connect on the link UPDATE PERSONAL INFO.

A Pop up Window will be displayed at the foundation of the window you will observe a link DELETE HULU ACCOUNT.

Once you tick on the link a new window will show. Enter your password and click on the key YES, DELETE MY ACCOUNT to eternally delete your account.


                                                                                                Delete Your Account by Sending Email


Open your account with Email ID that is registered with hulu.

Now create an email and go through the email address

On topic Type “Requesting to Deactivate Account with You”.

Now inscribe an email regarding deleting your account example given here. Click on the send button.

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